Monday, December 17, 2012

they way of escape

Had not the Lord been on our side ... Our help is in the Name of the Lord who made heaven and earth, Psalm 124:1,8  

Ever feel trapped and do not know what to do?  Ever feel like the Apostle Paul when he says, “Wretched man, who will deliver me free from this body of death”, Romans 7:25.  
The Psalmist is writing about escaping from enemies and He finds help and deliverance in the Lord.  Our number one enemy is not another person but sin.  God told Cain, “sin is crouching at the door.  Its desire is for you but you must master it”, Genesis 4:7.  Temptation is 3600.  It is everywhere and it is relentless in its sweet sounding enticements — “with much seductive speech she persuades him; with her smooth talk she compels him.  All at once he follows her as an ox goes to slaughter..., Proverbs 7:21-22.  Where is help found?

God says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that “no temptation has overtaken you but such is common to man.”  You are not the only one facing your temptation. Others have and many have learned how to master it and you can too!  I remember reading a story many years ago of a family driving through the Colorado Rock Mountains on a windy narrowing gorge.  The road narrows so much with a tunnel ahead that drivers begin to wonder if they are going to be able to make it.  Then on the side of the road there is a sign stating, “Yes you can, 1000 others have.”  So, the father continues on and drives through the narrow tunnel and finds another sign on the other side of the tunnel, “Now, 1001!   The point is that you don’t have to succumb to the temptations surrounding you but you can live a life that is pleasing to God when you learn to rely on the resources available to you.

Secondly, “God is faithful.”  You can rely on Him and in fact this is the powerful secret of overcoming temptation.  This is what the Psalmist learned to do.  He turned His heart upward not inward. He does not have the power within himself to withstand the stampede but God is able and faithful to enable you to stand firm your holy ground, Read, mediate and pray through these verses.  Hosea 7:14-16, Colossians 3:1-4, 5-11, 12-17, Ephesians 6:10-18.    

And thirdly, “He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able but with the temptation will provide a way of escape that you may be able to endure it.”  You and I are not able to handle temptation on our own for we would be quickly swept away.  But you and I are able to go to God and find the way of escape so that we can endure the temptation.  Notice our escape here is not necessarily in the removal of the temptation but the strength to endure the temptation.  

Where is God’s way of escape then found?  If is found in following Jesus.  The Israelites were journeying through the wilderness grumbling and complaining about their needs.  God provided for their needs through the “Rock” that followed them and the Rock was Christ, 1 Corinthians 10:4.  God has provided to Jesus, our “rock” to meet our needs as well.  He does this through His Word, through the Holy Sprit who now dwells within us and through the His Body, the church community.  

So, make sure you turn your heart upward, follow Jesus, trust the Word of God, walk in step with the Spirit and experience life together in God’s covenant community for support and encouragement. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

our high calling

Behold as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their Master, so our eyes look to the LORD our God till He has mercy on us, Psalm 123:2b

Have you ever received a call that has changed your life?  Well, Jesus changes everything.  He turns the tables upside down.  With Jesus, life is not business as usual not is it life as usual.  

God has a great call on your life.  The calling is not something that we choose.  It is something that we discover.  It is something that God has planted in us.  God’s call is two-fold: first, we are called to Him and secondly, we are called to join Him in His Kingdom pursuit.

God has called us to the great work of being a servant on His behalf!  Being called a servant of God is the greatest calling of my life.  

In the previous Psalms on our journey we covered the territory of Repentance (this is where all of our journeys begin) then Providence (God’s guidance) then worship (the melody that leads us Home) and now service (the privilege of a lifetime).   

It is fitting that worship comes first and that service is the result.  Jesus, said, you shall worship the Lord God and serve Him alone, Matthew 4:10.  Worship and service go together.  They must not be separated.  They are like the two sides of the same coin.   
Here is a life changing principle:
If we serve without worship, it leads us into the sweat shop of performance driven living.  If we worship without serving, we become so star struck that we are no earthly good.  No. God designed our life around worship and service, not worship or service.
Here are three lessons I have learned (still learning) on improving my serve.
1.  Look to God as ultimate authority, Psalm 123:1. This may seem obvious but is it really the way I conduct my life?  The issue of authority is at the root of civilizations, nations, marriage, our life’s problems including Adam and Eve.  We are made to live in submission to God not independent from Him. Question: So, by whose authority am I orchestrating my life by: God’s or mine?
2.  Listen to God for His instruction and direction, Psalm 123:2.   When I played baseball, I would often play catcher.  It was my responsibility to signal the pitcher to tell him what to pitch.  I did not come up with the decision on my own. I looked to the manager of the team who called the “shots” or pitches in this case.  In the Christian life, we are like the catcher, listening to our Master who calls out His will from His Word.  Question:  So, where do I get my direction from:  God or me?

3.  Live for the applause of the One, Psalm 123:3-4.  I tend to be a people pleaser, which is rooted in pride.  I have made a discovery; pride and the Christian life do not mix well.  God is opposed to the proud, I Peter 5:6.  When I am living for the applause of the crowd, I am image conscious instead of being integrity conscious.  This is a dangerous place to be.  The remedy is not to put yourself down. The remedy is not to try and pump yourself up.  The remedy is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The Gospel tells us what Jesus thinks about us — and really, that is all the matters in the opinion column, read 1 Corinthians 4:1-7. In all honesty, the Gospel tells me that I am more wicked than I dare believe but I am more loved than I could ever imagine.  Question:  So, am I motivated by what others think of me, what I think of myself or what Jesus thinks of me, Romans 8:1?  

Monday, November 26, 2012

the song of the heart

I was glad when they said to me, Let us go to the house of the Lord, Psalm 122:1

How would you finish this sentence:  I was glad when they said to me, let us go to ...?  Would your answer be worship?  Would it be even in your top five?

There are many songs for the heart but this Psalm is the song of the heart.  What is is the difference?  Songs for the heart calm us and stir us.  But the song of the heart flows out of us to God as a deep expression of worship.  The Lord made us for Himself, thus we are most satisfied when we turn from serving idols (man-made gods that we make in our own image) to worshiping the One who made us in His own image. God both delights in our worship and deserves our worship. As the Psalmist also sings, “Come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.  For He is our God and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand”, Psalm 95:6-7.

How can we worship God that “brings a smile to His face” and as a result satisfies the longing of our heart?

We are to come to God — honestly, Hebrews 10:22.  Because of Jesus Christ, we are invited to draw near to the Holy One with a sincere or honest heart. For all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do, Hebrews 4:13.  

We are to come to God — hungry, Luke 1:52. This means when we come to God, we come expecting to hear from God.  It is in a posture of worship that often times we “hear His voice, see Psalm 95:7.  Through worship, we come into His presence to look to Him and to learn from Him.  

We are to come to God — humbly, James 4:10. I read somewhere two great confessions, “Your are the Christ!”  “We are but men!”  We are not in ultimate control or even in control of the control that we think we control. The Lord, He alone is God!  He is beyond our understanding and our control.  

Yet, we are invited to feast in His presence in worship with an honest, hungry and humble heart. When we do, songs of worship arise and flow from our heart to His.  

Thursday, November 15, 2012

the invisible hand of God

I will lift up my eyes to the mountains, where does my help come from? —Psalm 121

In this second step in songs for the journey we discover the invisible providential hand of God!  As we begin this journey we need to know that God is with us all the way, watches over us and keeps us along the way. 

What are you looking to for help and guidance along your way?  The Psalmist states that he lifts his eyes to the mountains.  Can they help?  In his day, people would erect altars of worship to idols on the mountains or on high places.  What is an idol? An idol is made by  men and women who create a god in their own image that they are comfortable with and can control.  But can an idol help us on our way?  Only the living One can.  My help comes from the Lord, who made the heavens and the earth ... and the mountains, Psalm 121:2. 

How does God help us?

1.  The LORD made the heavens and the earth.    This means that the Lord is ABLE to help us wherever we are on the journey.  “Ah Lord God behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm.  Nothing is too difficult for You, Jeremiah 32:17.  Lift your eyes on Him!

2.  The Lord is ready to help AT ALL TIMES.  He is not only “out there” but He is “here” at the same time.  He is the God transcendent and also immanent (near and involved).  He does not sleep nor does He slumber, Psalm 121:4.  He is always available twenty-four/seven. Lift your eyes on Him!

3.  The Lord is the One who KEEPS you.  He has your back.  He has you.  He personally watches over you.  He has every hair on your head numbered.  Jesus said, He knows every sparrow that falls to the ground. Are you not much more valuable than they are?  What say you to that?  The trials that come in our lives are not to destroy us but to from us, James 1:2-4.   Like Job, we ask God, where are you in this?  God answers I am here in ways you do not and cannot comprehend. In the fog or your life then, lift your eyes on Him!
4.  The Lord is the one who PROTECTS you.  Nothing - no no thing will ever separate you from Him, His love, nor His good purpose, Romans 8:37-39.  Lift your eyes on Him! 

5.  The Lord is the one who GUARDS you.  In other words he helps you from the beginning of your journey to the very end.  What God starts, He completes, Philippians 1:6.   “The promise of the psalm — is not that we shall never stub our toes,but that no injury, no illness, no accident, no distress will have evil power over us, that it is, will be able to separate us from God’s purpose in us” — Eugene Peterson, Long Obedience in the Same Direction.

Lift your eyes on Him!

Monday, November 5, 2012

a new beginning begins here

As you read this psalm we discover that the psalmist is in distress.  He sings a dirge or we can say, he sings the blues.   
What is he distressed about?  The encompassing culture surrounding him is wearing him out. He says, deliver my soul from deceptive talk, lying lips, constantly barraged by those who criticize, condemn and are really only concerned about themselves... and it gets wearisome.  
There is something terribly wrong with our world.  Most of our life will not make sense unless we realize this to be true.  
Here is how I see it.  I live in a world at war, and it gets wearisome.  War is not only something that is “over there” but it is here — in the constant “babyish” bickering between political parties; in our rebellious culture rejecting God’s value on human life and his sacred design of marriage; in our churches where we come to feel good as our goal instead of coming together to offer our worship to the Holy One; in our marriages defined more by “me” instead of “we”.  
And then, when I am brutally honest, I discover that the war is not just out there but it is in here — in me!   The Apostle James says, “What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?  
Yes - We are a world at war — war is brutal, ugly, heart-breaking and ... it is wearying.    The psalmist has lived with and settled in too long with those who live in the tents of this darkness (tents of Kedar, Psalm 120:5).   So, he comes to the place of wanting a new beginning:  The starting point for this new beginning is — repentance.  
Genuine repentance is not just a turning over a new leaf or turing from some unrighteous behavior.  It goes deeper than that.  Repentance is not just correcting some bad attitude or wayward thinking. It goes deeper than that.  Repentance goes deep into the heart, where my war-filled heart is finally exposed for its deeply rooted selfishness and self-inflated view of itself.  It is where I am totally naked and exposed before the Holy “eye” of Him.  It is here, I surrender and lay down my weapons of selfishness and jealousy and choose to walk the path less traveled.  I choose follow the trail of Jesus Christ.  
He is the one who turns our dirge into a new song.  He puts our feet on solid ground making our footsteps firm and fills our heart with strength to face the day. So, this is where our journey begins.  If you agree with the psalmist, “woe is me ...too long has my soul had its dwelling with those who make hate peace, Psalm 120:5-6, then come on and together let’s follow His trail with these songs for the journey.  

Friday, November 2, 2012

songs for the journey

Songs for the journey is from the grouping of Psalms known as the song of Ascents, (Psalm 120-134).  Many think that these fifteen psalms were songs that the Jewish people read and sang as they “ascended” to Jerusalem from their villages for Festival Time.   These Psalms encompass the journey that we all go through in our return to God, to His Providence in our lives and our longing for intimate fellowship with Him!   

Many years ago I was inspired by Eugene Peterson’s book, “Long Obedience in the Same Direction” that unpacks these psalms. 

Here is a thirty-thousand foot look at the landscape of Peterson’s awe-inspiring themes and my titles to each one .  
Psalm 120 — Repentance: A new beginning
Psalm 121 — Providence:  The Invisible Hand of God
Psalm 122 — Worship: The Song of the Heart
Psalm 123 — Service: Our High Calling
Psalm 124 — God’s Help: The Way of Escape
Psalm 125 — Security: The Anchor 
Psalm 126 — Joy: When Joy Returns
Psalm 127 — Work: Don’t Be a Cow
Psalm 128 — Happiness: Our Reason to be Happy
Psalm 129 — Perseverance: The Road Less Traveled
Psalm 130 — Hope: Learning to Wait
Psalm 131 — Humility: True Riches
Psalm 132 — Obedience: A Daring Faith
Psalm 133 — Community: True Spiritual Community
Psalm 134 — Blessing: What a Day That Will Be

I encourage you to join me as we travel meditatively through each one of these Psalms and see how God sneaks up on us along the way.  

Saturday, October 27, 2012

embracing the Cross and the purpose of God

The Cross and the Purpose of God

“this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless.” Acts 2:23

The Cross:  The Cross is no accident or surprise, at least to God.  The Cross was pre-planned and predetermined by God Himself! This was God’s “fixed” plan which He determined before the foundation of the world.  

The Cross:  The Cross, therefore, is not peripheral or ancillary to human history.  It is the centerpiece of human history.  

The Cross:  There is an interplay here, a spiritual tension between God’s sovereign plan and human responsibility.  In God’s foreknowledge, the Lord knows the future and all potential futures. He knows, ordains, allows and uses all of our choices to fulfill His sovereign purpose and plan.  

The Cross:  The Cross is no mistake.  It is the very plan of God that changes everything for all time.  The Cross not only changes everything in this Cosmos, it also changes me.  It puts my broken life back together again.  It restores my soul.  It makes me fully human and renews the image of God from which I am carved out.  

The Cross: There is nothing like it in the entire universe.  There is no one who can thwart the purpose and power of the Cross. 

The Cross:  It is time to embrace it.    

Sunday, October 21, 2012

all they way home

So, the journey from Mount Calvary (Psalm 22) to Mount Coronation (Psalm 24) found in Psalm 23 through the valley is finally complete.  The Shepherd has guided us all the way Home!  This is our journey and this is our destination — Home.  Notice who’s Home it is.  It is the LORD’s Home (Psalm 23:6).  Now, notice who it is who leads us all the way Home.  It is the LORD (Psalm 23:1).  In other words, He left his Home, sought us, found us and is now leading, guiding, providing, and protecting us along this long journey Home.  For most of us, the way is long.  Along this journey we discover that it is not easy nor is it comfortable but the LORD knows the way.  He has personally travelled this valley from the Cross to the Crown Himself and He knows the way for He is the Way!   

We are not there yet, but if the LORD is your shepherd, you are on the way.  If it were up to us we would never make it home.  We would die in the valley but this Shepherd even overcame death itself, so there is nothing that will keep or can keep Him from leading us all the way Home.  

Even though we have never been to His Home, we have distant memories of stories of what this Home was like.  We were made for His Home but we wandered and strayed and lost our way.  Now, we are headed Home where He makes all things new.  Where there is NO more sorrow, death, disease, injustice, child abuse, rape, poverty, famine, divorce, drug or sexual addictions murder or war — ever again!  Home is where righteousness and peace dwell.  

Home is real. It is earth and heaven made new with a “deep” cleansing and the removal of the curse. It is full of mountains and valleys, of rivers and streams, of colors brilliant, of beauty unknown, of creatures great and small and that which is most stunning of all, The Presence of the One transcendent!  He takes our breath away for we discover this is the One who cried in agony on the Cross in Psalm 22.  He is the One who is Crowned as King eternal in Psalm 24 and He is the One who is my Shepherd in Psalm 23 who has personally brought me all the way Home!

There is no place like Home!  

Thursday, October 18, 2012

a rod and a staff

“Your rod and staff, they comfort me” — Psalm 23:4

A rod.  A staff.  One guards while the other guides  The Shepherd had a rod to protect that which was His.  The Shepherd had a staff to lead, direct, prompt, restore that which was His.  I find comfort in the fact that the Shepherd is diligent and vigilante to guard and guide me.  Can it really be true that whatever happens in my life, I can trust that the Shepherd has given His stamp of “ok” for it to be in my life?  Sometimes, don’t we question this?  Can it really be true? 

We discover that life can hurt but I believe that God is good and just and He will put the big hurt on all the injustices in the world with His Rod and make things right.  Then, He Himself will wipe away every tear from our eyes.  His rod is our comfort.  For me, His Rod is His justice. 

Ask Him now to gird His sword on His thigh and ride on the cause of truth, humility and righteousness in your life, see Psalm 45:33-4.  Call out to the God of Justice for his justice to prevail!  

The Shepherd also guides even when we stray.  Do I really believe this?  Is this true not only when I stray but when I actually rebel?  Out of His love, He uses His staff to teach us, to reprove us, correct us and train us in the way we should go.  He uses His staff to point the way, to lead the way, along His trail.   His staff is our comfort.  For me His staff, is the Word of God empowered by the Holy Spirit, see 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Ephesians 6:17.  

Ask Him now to guide you as you open your heart to His Word to listen to Him and to obey Him.  

May He comfort you, right now.  

Thursday, October 11, 2012

a ripple in time

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life — Psalm 23:6

When you drop a pebble in a pond it creates a ripple that travels across the pond.  Part of this ripple is seen by the eye and part of this ripple is unseen but it still ripples.  So, whether you see it or not, the impact of the pebble creates a ripple.  

When a boat races across a body of water it leaves an impact called a wake.  The wake is more obvious of course that a ripple but the same still applies here.  Whether you see it or not the impact of the boat creates a wake.  

When we follow the Shepherd whether it is in green meadows, quiet streams, pathways of righteousness, the valley of the shadow of death or even in the presence of our enemies, He causes a wake, a ripple in time of goodness and mercy that follows us as we follow Him!  You may see some of the goodness and mercy or you may never see it in this life.  But be assured that your life in the hand of the Shepherd makes an eternal impact!

My prayer is that I am just a pebble in the hand of the Shepherd and that I am willing to let Him “drop” me anywhere He wants and that through my life may many drink in the fullness of the wake of His goodness and mercy!  

Oh, Lord — Here I am.  “Drop” me.   

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

cup overlfowing

my cup overflows — Psalm 23:5

What is this cup?  This cup is the life, the heritage, the boundaries of my life which the Lord has given to me.  

David, the psalm writer declares that his cup overflows. Why? Because The Shepherd is with Him and he is with the Shepherd.  Because The Shepherd gives him green meadows, quiet streams, restores his soul and guides him along the way - even through the valley and even with enemies surrounding him.  Each one of us have the same Shepherd!

My cup overflows -- filled to brim and beyond with extravagant grace.  There is no limit to the supply of God’s grace!  My cup overflows --  with the joy of the Lord when we abide in Him.  Jesus said, These things I have spoken to you that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full.  My cup overflows -- with life because Jesus drank the cup of God’s wrath to the very last drop so that we would never taste the holy righteous wrath of God!  Instead, we get to drink the cup of salvation!  My cup overflows -- because Jesus “emptied” Himself of His rights and privileges in order to meet our truest and deepest needs.  My cup overflows -- even in the midst of the darkest night because of His promise to never, no never never never never never to leave me or forsake me.  My cup overflows -- for God is not only with me but He is for me!  

My cup overflows -- How about yours?  

Monday, October 1, 2012

fresh oil

I have been anointed with fresh oil — Psalm 92:10

Once again to be anointed with oil is symbolic of being set apart to God to fulfill the ministry He has called you to whether it is a janitor or a judge.  The oil covers the head, the heart, the hands, the gender and the feet - so that all of me is presented to the Lord and to His work. 

To be anointed with fresh oil is to realize that you cannot live today on yesterday’s anointing.  Just as a sailor cannot live on yesterday’s wind, even so, we must be filled with the Holy Spirit continually to be freshly anointed, Ephesians 5:18.   Just as God provided manna for each day, even so, we must be nourished on the Word of God daily to be freshly anointed, Matthew 4:4. Just as Jesus spent time with the Father, even so, we must hear His voice to be freshly anointed, Mark 1:35.  

Lord, I come.  I come to you in need of a fresh anointing through prayer and by the Spirit and the Word.  I come to you for a fresh anointing first to enjoy you and from there to serve you with all of my heart and my head with my hands and feet that the beauty of your holiness may be seen in me and through me.  In Jesus’ name - amen.  

Saturday, September 29, 2012

with oil

You anoint my head with oil.  Psalm 23:5 

In the Old Testament, Priests and Kings were anointed to be set apart to in service to God.  Oil is a symbol for joy and for the Holy Spirit.  In the New Testament, every believer is a priest to God.  We are to worship and proclaim.  We are to be in relationship to Christ intimately and proclaiming the Gospel to the world intentionally.  Who is adequate for these things?

Believers are to be anointed with the Holy Spirit which sets us apart for service for the Lord.   For, Jesus said, ... " apart from Me you can do nothing.  Jesus, John 15:5

I wonder how many of us (including me) really believe this?  We are not adequate in ourselves to  accomplish anything that will have everlasting fruit.  But God is our adequacy and He makes us adequate as servants of the New Covenant.

Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves but our adequacy is from God who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter of the Law, but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life, 2 Corinthians 3:5-6.

Without God’s anointing our lives we are merely going through religious motions.  We are shooting blanks.  We are kidding ourselves.  We are not adequate for the eternal work God has called us to.  We need His blessing, His face to shine on us, His peace to govern us and His Spirit to anoint us!

May He anoint your head . . .  and may it flow all the way down to your feet - Psalm 133:2

Monday, September 17, 2012

the table

For you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies — Psalm 23:5

Our Table:  For thirty-four years my wife and I have sat down at table to enjoy God’s provision.  Through these years He has blessed us with six children and now a continuing growing number of grandchildren.  We have regularly sat down at table over the years to share in God’s goodness.  We have our family get togethers which usually end up at our table. We laugh, cry, share, listen, talk, eat, and celebrate at this table.  Our table is a “sacred” place that is set a part from the rest of this crazy-busy life for us to come apart before we come apart.  

The Table:  As we follow our shepherd in this Christian journey we soon discover we are not alone.  We have an enemy.  He stalks us.  He tempts us.  He tries to deceive us and devour us.  Yet we have the Shepherd.  He not only leads us, guides us, protects us but also provides for us in one of the most surprising ways.  He invites us to the table in the presence of our enemies.  Normally, we wouldn’t be spending much time at the table if we knew the enemy was surrounding us and coming after us.  But we need not fear.  The Shepherd is with us and we are under his care and our enemy dares not draw near.  Instead, we are invited to table with Him, relax and enjoy the feast He sets before us.  And so, we do, by faith we enter into life with Him at table in the presence of our enemies.  

The Lord’s Table:  This is no ordinary table — This is the table in which God and man are sat down.  This is the table where the New Covenant is confirmed with the Passover Lamb and the Cup.  This is the table where we witness an incredible phenomenon — we see the nature of our God as the God who bends Himself to serve us and wash our feet!  I am serious.  Read it in John 13.  It is at this table that God provides our eternal fellowship with Him and even there He had an enemy sitting at His table. No worries though.  He knew about the enemy and yet He still prepared the table for us.  

The Banquet Table:  This table is the feast of the Lord!  At this table, we find the Lord still serving - for He will serve and wait on each one of us!  Remarkable!  In His Day, He serves.  Blessed are all of those who have responded to His invitation to this Great Day. There is a place reserved for you at this table.  All you need to do is send in your R.S.V.P.  Have you done so?  What are you waiting for?  

Friday, September 14, 2012

walk through

even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for You are with me.... Psalm 23:4

I don’t like this valley. I would rather keep climbing the mountain into the heavenly places.  Our Heavenly Father knows best why we must enter the valley. We must trust.   Personally, I would rather go around the valley but God takes us through the valley.  This valley looks like and feels like death itself.  But notice it is only the shadow of death.  There is One who has already gone ahead of us who has traveled into death itself and came out alive forevermore! For this reason, no son or daughter of God will ever go through the valley of death but death’s shadow.  (Still scary though)  But once again, we don’t have to be afraid for the One who has gone through the valley of death and conquered is with me and you ... all the way home. 
Are you in a valley of the shadow of death right now?  You may ask, “what do I do?”  That’s what I ask and I also cry out - “get me out of here!”  So, what does God tell us to do. He tells us to walk. Don’t sit. Don’t run.  But walk.  Walk through.... and learn everything you can about the One who is with you and learn everything about yourself as you go through.  Keep your eye on Him and not on the valley. And remember, because of the Cross of Christ, this is really only a shadow and the shadow cannot ultimately harm you.  

Thursday, September 13, 2012

guide me

He guides me in paths of righteousness for His Name sake.  Psalm 23:3

In the Exodus, the Lord delivered Israel out of Egypt and guided them on a journey from Egypt through the wilderness to the Promised Land.  This path was not a straight highway.  It was full of various twists, turns and testing.  In a similar way,  Jesus is guiding us through the “Great Exodus” from the tyranny of sin to the our eternal inheritance, the New Heavens and New Earth!  
Psalm 23 is positioned between two Mountainous Psalms!  Psalm 22, a Messianic Psalm regarding the Cross, and Psalm 24, a psalm regarding the enthronement of the Lord in His temple.  Between these two “mountains” - Mount Calvary, Psalm 22 and Mount Zion, Psalm 24 is our journey of Psalm 23.  We have The Shepherd who guides us from the Cross to the Crown.  
The New Heavens and New Earth — our destination.  The Shepherd — our guide. He knows the way Home for He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father but through Him!  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

restore me

He restores my soul - Psalm 23:3
The word restore means to turn back, to return, or to bring back.  This is the work of our Father for our souls are fragile, easily broken and offended.  
Do you remember the childhood saying, “sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me”?  Really?  Bones mend and heal but being called names can hurt an entire lifetime!  
How is your soul....right now....honestly?  At the moment, mine is tender and torn.  
When my soul is broken and I don’t know what to do to restore it, I have learned to ask my Father to restore it and somehow He does.  He is the Great Physician and He knows the healing way.  If He has torn you, He will heal you - Hosea 6:1.
He is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit - Psalm 34:18.  
Be on the look out for your Father’s restoring touch through His Word - Psalm 19:7, through the Holy Spirit, John 14:16, through some special friends - 2 Timothy 1:15-18.   
Tonight, I asked the Lord for a small touch of His presence and love - in a fresh way,  just to know that He is near even when “many bulls have surrounded me” - Psalm 22:12.  We were not home more than ten minutes than when unexpected visitors came to stop by and blessed our soul!  
Our Father sees, hears and bends down to come to our aid when we cry to Him - Hebrews 2:18.  

From your heart to His, ask Him now to restore your soul.  

“Bless the Lord, O my soul and ... forget none of His benefits”

Monday, September 10, 2012

lead me

He leads me beside quiet waters - Psalm 23: 2
I like the rushing sound of mountain streams racing downhill.  The water is so “alive”.  The water bubbles, jumps, and with great delight and races to the lowest place to be transformed and then to ascend to the heavenly places.  Nature teaches us the way to greatness.
But there is a time and place for quite - quiet waters.  Our world is a constant rat race.  It is full of tension, pressure, noise, deadlines, conflicts, competition, striving and we find our souls become ragged. We try for balance but life is rarely balanced.  The Lord Jesus’ life was hardly “balanced” but He did practice solitude with the Father to keep Himself emotionally-spiritually whole and on course.  He modeled the source of “quiet waters” for us — time alone with the Father.   
The secret to coming beside quiet waters is to be led there.  Notice, He leads us besides the quiet streams.  Am I leadable?  Right now, my soul is ragged and even as I write this devotional I sense the Lord leading me to the quiet streams of Psalm 62, Ps 46, Ps 121 and just to sit soaking in God’s Word and Promises through reading, mediation, prayer and praise.  There is a calm here and a peace that transcends understanding.  
May the Lord quiet your heart and soul today with through the comfort of the Holy Spirit and through so the soaking in of His Word.  

Friday, September 7, 2012

make me

He makes me lie down in green pastures. Psalm 23:2a
How does He do this?  I have discovered that the Lord “makes” me lie down when, 1. He allows me to be overloaded and I run out of “gas” and then I finally look to Him.  2. He challenges me through the rough terrain of trial and through the fire.  It is here that I am learning “to lie down” and trust Him.  3. He uses friends, family and even foes for me to take spiritual inventory of my life.  
What are the green meadows?  Green meadows are lush, pleasant, peaceful, full of nourishment and refreshment.  For me, the “green meadows” is the Word of God. This is where I find God’s peace, provision, rest, comfort, encouragement, strength and hope.  He uses circumstances and people in my life to “make me lie down” in the green meadows of His Word.  How about you?  Where do you find yourself lying down in today? 

shepherded by

I am reflecting on a very familiar Psalm - Psalm 23. Can't get past the first statement - The Lord is my Shepherd. 
A Shepherd is one who cares for, feeds, leads, guides sheep. A Shepherd knows his flock personally and intimately. AND this is no ordinary Shepherd - This Shepherd is Yahweh Himself!!!! Yahweh is the lord's personal covenant keeping name. Yahweh is the I AM - He is all - all sufficient, all knowing, all powerful ... all we will ever need. Not only this - This Shepherd is YOUR shepherd. You are His!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


God made you.  You are not an accident.  God chose to create.  Choosing to create implies and indicates that there is a reason, a purpose for creating. You are you because God created you and in Christ has good works for you to carry out.  He however, doesn’t want you to just do but to be — to be in relationship with Him — for that is where you get your identity. And out of your identity flows your doing — from being to doing; from worship to service.  Be with God as He is with you and you will blossom. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Jesus spoke and the heavens were made –Can you do that?  Jesus placed the stars in the sky and calls them all by name.  Can you do that?  Jesus stretches the heavens out like a tent.  Can you do that?  Jesus said hush, be still and the wind and waves obeyed Him. Can you do that?  Jesus made the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk , the dead to live .  Can you do that? Jesus will renew the heavens and earth and make all things new. Can you do that?    Who is this Jesus?  He is the visible expression of the Invisible God: CREATOR.  He is the One who holds the universe and the miniverse together: SUSTAINER.  He is the One who guides, directs, leads and sets the vision for the redeemed people of God: HEAD.  He is the leader of the resurrection parade: LORD.  (Col 1:15-18).  In a word, Jesus is SUPREME.  And yet, in reference to His creative work,  all that you have experienced, seen and even imagined is merely the fringes of His ways.  “Behold, these are the fringes of His ways.”  Job 26:14  It will take an eternity of eternities to explore the fullness of Jesus.  Are you up for that? 

Jesus spoke and the heavens were made –Can you do that?  Jesus placed the stars in the sky and calls them all by name.  Can you do that?  Jesus stretches the heavens out like a tent.  Can you do that?  Jesus said hush, be still and the wind and waves obeyed Him. Can you do that?  Jesus made the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk , the dead to live .  Can you do that? Jesus will renew the heavens and earth and make all things new. Can you do that?    Who is this Jesus?  He is the visible expression of the Invisible God: CREATOR.  He is the One who holds the universe and the miniverse together: SUSTAINER.  He is the One who guides, directs, leads and sets the vision for the redeemed people of God: HEAD.  He is the leader of the resurrection parade: LORD.  (Col 1:15-18).  In a word, Jesus is SUPREME.  And yet, in reference to His creative work,  all that you have experienced, seen and even imagined is merely the fringes of His ways.  “Behold, these are the fringes of His ways.”  Job 26:14  It will take an eternity of eternities to explore the fullness of Jesus.  Are you up for that?  

Saturday, September 1, 2012

the vinedresser

Jesus told us something wonderful about The Father.  He tells us that the Father is The Vinedresser of the Vineyard.  The Vinedresser is the expert gardner who takes care of the vine and each of the branches.  He “takes up” the weak branches that are not bearing fruit.  This means that He helps restore the weakened branch to health in order for it to bear fruit.  He prunes ( a painful experience) the fruitful branches. He does this in order for the branches to bear more fruit. He removes the dead branches that hinder the growth of the fruit bearing branches.  The Vinedresser knows what each branch needs and how to take care of it.  This is our heavenly Father!  You are the branch!  ....ponder and treasure.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


The key to the Christian life is summarized in two biblical phrases, “In Christ”, “Christ in us”.  They are two aspects of our faith.  In Christ - is our new identity, our new humanity - 2 Corinthians 5:17.  Christ in us - is our hope for transformation - Colossians 1:27.  Jesus talked about this in  John 15.  Jesus is the true Vine and we are the Branch.  The key is for the branch to be “in the Vine” for the branch is nothing apart from the Vine.  The Vine must be in the branch for the “sap” to flow through the branch that it may bear fruit.  So, too, God has placed us in Christ and set us free from the “old man” ( Paul’s term for the whole human race in Adam, see Romans 5:12-21).  We are not only in Christ, Christ is in us as well through the Holy Spirit, see Romans 8:2, 9.  It is through the the Spirit of Life that the life of Christ flows in us and through us. This is how we are made holy. 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

boasting in the cross? Yep!

But may it never be that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ through which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world.  Galatians 6:14

Who in their right mind would boast about in the cross?  Why?  There have been many who have died on a cross.  But this cross is unique because of the One who was on the cross and why He was there.  The Cross of Christ is the defining moment in the history of mankind.  

Boasting in the cross?  Yep! — The cross was designed by man to maximize the torture, pain, suffering and public shame on a hardened criminal.  The Romans did not use the cross on their own citizens.  The Jews understood that any one who hangs on a tree was under God’s curse.  But God used the cross as His D-Day over evil, the evil one, over sin and death itself!  And because of that Day, we know "V.S. Day" (Victory over sin and satan) is inevitable!  We know that not only are redeemed and reconciled to God but also the very creation itself will be redeemed and set free!   Oh, the wonderful Cross!  

Boasting in the cross?  Yep! — The world doesn’t like the cross.  The Cross of Christ offends us.  The world considers the cross as foolishness, as moronic.  So, we have tamed the cross and for many it is nothing more than a nice piece of shiny jewelry.  But the Word tells us the both the wisdom and the power of God are seen at the Cross of Christ.  It is through the cross that God has redeemed and reconciled those who humble themselves and receive Jesus as Christ (Messiah).  Oh, the wonderful Cross!

Boasting in the cross?  Yep! — Without the cross we are helpless and hopeless.  We would be standing before the Almighty naked and exposed.   But because of the Cross of Christ, we are covered and fully accepted. Oh, the wonderful Cross!

Boasting in the cross? Yep! — at the cross we see more than two wooden beams. We see more than agony and pain. We see perfect love — the infinite height, width, breadth and depth from the very heart of God Himself!  Jesus was not forced to go to the cross.  He chose the cross.  "In this is love, not that we loved God but God loved us and sent His Son to be the satisfactory sacrifice for our sins.", 1 John 4:10.  Jesus died for our sins on the cross not to get God to love us but because God does oves us, so....  Oh, the wonderful Cross!

Boasting in the cross?  Yep! — what else even comes close to the cross?  boast in the cross - let your life show it and pass it on!  

Saturday, August 25, 2012

in the shadow of the cross

Usually when we hear that someone is living in the shadow of another it is not a good thing.  It suggests that this person is living off another’s convictions and doesn’t have a mind of their own.  However, in the Christian life, this is a good thing if we are living in the shadow of the Cross.

The Cross defines our life.  If we are truly disciples of Jesus Christ then we follow in His footsteps, let Him define our convictions and live for His purpose.  This is what Jesus meant when He said, If anyone wishes to come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. (Luke 9:23)

Jesus, our master, took up His cross, denied Himself and followed the Father’s will completely.  He was not here  to do His own thing. He was here to serve and to give His life.  You and I are called to live in this shadow.

The cross redefines our life.  It affects the way we view everything.  The cross redefines leadership.  Instead of leadership being a position of lording it over others.  Leadership is demonstrated through servanthood and humility.  

The cross redefines our values.  Instead of being careless with sin, we take sin seriously.  Instead of devaluing the marriage commitment we esteem and honor the vows of marriage as life promises.  Instead of living to get rich, we are rich by living generously.  Instead of seeking our own personal ambition we seek the Kingdom of God.

It is the the cross that makes the difference in our lives.  It is the cross that defines what is valuable and important.  It is the cross where life really begins.  Are you living in the shadow of the cross?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

under grace amazing,

It is because we are under the grace of Christ that we can experience liberty over bondage (Gal 2:4); Justification over condemnation (Gal 2:16); God’s blessing over God’s curse (Gal 3:13-14); God’s promise over Law (Gal 3:18); Sonship over slavery (Gal 3:23-4:7); freedom versus the yoke of slavery (Gal 5:1), Spirit over the flesh (Gal 5:16).
What is grace? the word means undeserved favor or as one translation puts it — special favor. The grace of the Lord Jesus is Christ becoming fully man in order to redeem us from the curse by becoming a curse for us so that we can receive God’s blessing which He promised to those who come to him through faith (Gal 3:13-15). We can’t earn grace, buy grace, merit grace, or deserve grace. God gives grace —enabling us to not only be redeemed but empowering us to live out our salvation.
Where do you find grace? In Christ Jesus — He came in the fullness of grace and truth (Jn 1:16-17). You won’t find grace under Law. Being under law makes you obligated to the law to perform (Gal 5:3). Being under law nullifies grace (Gal 5:2:21) Being under law severs you from grace (Gal 5:4); Being under Law cannot make you a son only a slave (Gal 3:23-26). Being under law cannot make you righteous (Gal 3:21). The problem is not with the Law of God. The problem is with you and me - we do not have the ability to fulfill the Law’s requirement. It is only the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ that gives a standing with God and a power to live a life pleasing to God.
Therefore, be strong in the grace in Christ Jesus. 2 Tim 2:1
In the grip of His grace,

Sunday, August 19, 2012

two realities

Christians live according to two realities: The supernatural and the natural. The secularist lives only for the natural. By natural I mean that nature is all there is.
The Christian world-view best explains all of reality while the secularist’s or naturalist’s world-view only explains a portion of reality.
The naturalist or secularist would claim all can be explained naturalistically. Is that so? The naturalist cannot explain why the universe is here. He or she cannot explain how the universe got here. The naturalist can explain what is here and how things work in this structured and orderly universe. The naturalist cannot explain the personal nature of mankind. Mankind is like the rest of this universe in that it is finite but mankind is unique in that men and women are personal, relational beings. Mankind is self-aware (he knows himself) self-determining (able to think, choose and act), creative, moral, worships, longs for significance and meaning and relational. The rest of this universe is impersonal. Where does this personal nature come from? The impersonal cannot produce the personal.
The naturalist world-view is like trying to stuff an oversized teddy bear in a small shoe box — parts of the bear fit in the box while a larger portion won’t fit within the framework. So it is with naturalism. Only a portion of reality is explained by naturalism while large portions of left unexplained or are left without answers.
However, the Christian world-view explains all of reality through the 1. Creation — explains the origin and design of the universe and the personal nature of mankind, for God is not an impersonal force but a Personal Being. 2. Fall — explains why there is evil, suffering and injustice in our world. This world is not as it should be. 3. Redemption — explains that this world although is not as it should be, it is redeemable. It can be changed and transformed. Their is hope. Individuals and Societies can be reformed. 4. Restoration — explains that there is a destiny and plan for this created world along with mankind. We are not accidents of nature but are designed by God with an eternal purpose.
C.S. Lewis said something like. Christians live for two worlds. If we live only for this world, we will lose both but if we live for the world to come we will gain both.
Live then, each day, in light of an eternal world-view and make an impact right where you are… for “what you do in life echoes in eternity.”
recommended reading - Total Truth by Nancy Pearcy

Friday, August 17, 2012

keep it simple

I have found that it is easy to complicate our Christianity.  What is Christianity?  Is it not a relationship with the living, eternal and personal God which is made possible through the Lamb of God - Jesus?   The core idea of Christianity is relationship.  Yet, I have discovered we can easily turn our Christianity into a set of religious traditions for us to follow, a moral set of beliefs, tips and techniques for self improvement, seeking some additional kind of blessing beyond Christ and son on.  
Whereas these things may have their place they are not the core of Christianity.  the Gospel is not rules (although there are rules).  The Gospel is not a moral way of life (although we are to be upright and moral in our thoughts and behavior).  The Gospel is not a philosophy —a system of thought for wise living (although we do gain insight on how to live wisely.  The Gospel is a person.  The Gospel is Jesus Christ  (Read Romans 1:1-4).  It is because of the Gospel - the death, burial and resurrection - that we are spiritually and intimately united with Christ

It is for this reason Paul writes to the Corinthian believers in his second letter. In 2 Corinthians 11:2-3, Paul alerts and admonishes the believers to beware of being led away from simple and pure devotion to Christ.  They were being influenced by outsiders who were luring them away from a heart devotion to Christ to a focus on religious ritual.  So, Paul reminds them that they have been joined to Christ.  They belong to Him not to a set of rules.

So, pursue Christ and keep it simple. Spend time with Him. Trust Him. Listen to Him and obey Him.  Be real, honest and open with Him.  Enjoy Him.  Relax in Him. Talk to Him. Encourage others to do the same and share Him with those who haven’t met Him yet.  

In a nutshell - rely on Him and be responsive to His Word.  Keep in step with the promptings of the Holy Spirit and engage in real relationship within the body of Christ.   

captured by Christ,


Thursday, August 16, 2012

dark night

Psalm 22 — Cry For Help

Whenever you go through the dark days of life —Days of disappointment, discouragement and depression.  These are the days where you ask where are you God? "Why have you dumped me?  I cry out to you day and night but I get no response - nothing."

Take this to heart.  This is a Messianic Psalm.  This means that this Psalm is primarily about the Messiah - Jesus.  Jesus uttered these very words on the Cross.  In fact many scholars think that Jesus quoted the entire Psalm while impaled on the Cross.  Jesus' last words were "It is finished" and this Psalm ends with, "He has performed it" or it is finished. 

You may not know or understand the difficulty that you are in and God seems so far away.  But you can hold on to this that Jesus understands precisely how you feel.  Yet it did not keep Him from crying out the Father.

In verses 1-10 He cries out to God.  In verses 11-21 He appeals to God for help and in verses 22-31 He expresses His gratitude and praise.  Follow His example.   

Here is the promise:  The afflicted shall eat and be satisfied.  Ps 22:26.  Just think of where Jesus is right now.  God, the Father, took care of His Son and He will take care of you to.

to magnify

"O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His Name together", Psalm 34:3  
To magnify - means to make something larger than it is.  When we magnify God, we don’t make Him larger, our understanding of God grows larger.  To magnify the Lord is to make everything else small.  Our tendency is to magnify our problems and shrink our view of God.  This is backwards and upside down thinking. It is just plain wrong.  The Lord is a great God and great King above all gods, Pssalm 95:3  
In Prince Caspian of the Chronicles of Narnia, Aslan says to Lucy, “you will find me bigger.”  It is not that Aslan grows bigger.  It is Lucy’s understanding of Aslan that grows bigger.  Let’s follow the David’s exhortation in Psalm 34 and magnify the Lord and together, let’s exalt His name.

Monday, August 13, 2012

wide open spaces of grace

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand . . . Romans 5:1-2

Into this grace in which we stand!  Because we have been declared righteous by God through the blood of Christ and now permanently belong to His covenant family  (Justification).  We now have the privilege of exploring the landscape of God’s favor (grace).  

The picture I have is from times we have trekked the Rocky Mountains in CO.  Each day we would wake up and begin a whole new journey of walking through groves of Aspen trees, of blazing trails where there are no trails, of breathing in the fresh mountain air, of being drawn to heights of the mountain peaks, to stand on the top of the world and to see as if to see the world for the first time, and even when lost in the depths of the shadows of the dark forest or caught in a thunder storm-with lightning all around us, we can catch the breath-taking beauty of God’s creation .  

So, because of Christ, we have the privilege of standing and exploring the wide open spaces of God’s grace.  He invites us to explore the vistas of His favor, His presence, His power, His love and the privilege of exploring the depths of God Himself.   And when we get lost, it is through His grace, we find our way back to Him.