Tuesday, October 2, 2012

cup overlfowing

my cup overflows — Psalm 23:5

What is this cup?  This cup is the life, the heritage, the boundaries of my life which the Lord has given to me.  

David, the psalm writer declares that his cup overflows. Why? Because The Shepherd is with Him and he is with the Shepherd.  Because The Shepherd gives him green meadows, quiet streams, restores his soul and guides him along the way - even through the valley and even with enemies surrounding him.  Each one of us have the same Shepherd!

My cup overflows -- filled to brim and beyond with extravagant grace.  There is no limit to the supply of God’s grace!  My cup overflows --  with the joy of the Lord when we abide in Him.  Jesus said, These things I have spoken to you that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full.  My cup overflows -- with life because Jesus drank the cup of God’s wrath to the very last drop so that we would never taste the holy righteous wrath of God!  Instead, we get to drink the cup of salvation!  My cup overflows -- because Jesus “emptied” Himself of His rights and privileges in order to meet our truest and deepest needs.  My cup overflows -- even in the midst of the darkest night because of His promise to never, no never never never never never to leave me or forsake me.  My cup overflows -- for God is not only with me but He is for me!  

My cup overflows -- How about yours?  

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