Monday, October 1, 2012

fresh oil

I have been anointed with fresh oil — Psalm 92:10

Once again to be anointed with oil is symbolic of being set apart to God to fulfill the ministry He has called you to whether it is a janitor or a judge.  The oil covers the head, the heart, the hands, the gender and the feet - so that all of me is presented to the Lord and to His work. 

To be anointed with fresh oil is to realize that you cannot live today on yesterday’s anointing.  Just as a sailor cannot live on yesterday’s wind, even so, we must be filled with the Holy Spirit continually to be freshly anointed, Ephesians 5:18.   Just as God provided manna for each day, even so, we must be nourished on the Word of God daily to be freshly anointed, Matthew 4:4. Just as Jesus spent time with the Father, even so, we must hear His voice to be freshly anointed, Mark 1:35.  

Lord, I come.  I come to you in need of a fresh anointing through prayer and by the Spirit and the Word.  I come to you for a fresh anointing first to enjoy you and from there to serve you with all of my heart and my head with my hands and feet that the beauty of your holiness may be seen in me and through me.  In Jesus’ name - amen.  

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