Saturday, October 27, 2012

embracing the Cross and the purpose of God

The Cross and the Purpose of God

“this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless.” Acts 2:23

The Cross:  The Cross is no accident or surprise, at least to God.  The Cross was pre-planned and predetermined by God Himself! This was God’s “fixed” plan which He determined before the foundation of the world.  

The Cross:  The Cross, therefore, is not peripheral or ancillary to human history.  It is the centerpiece of human history.  

The Cross:  There is an interplay here, a spiritual tension between God’s sovereign plan and human responsibility.  In God’s foreknowledge, the Lord knows the future and all potential futures. He knows, ordains, allows and uses all of our choices to fulfill His sovereign purpose and plan.  

The Cross:  The Cross is no mistake.  It is the very plan of God that changes everything for all time.  The Cross not only changes everything in this Cosmos, it also changes me.  It puts my broken life back together again.  It restores my soul.  It makes me fully human and renews the image of God from which I am carved out.  

The Cross: There is nothing like it in the entire universe.  There is no one who can thwart the purpose and power of the Cross. 

The Cross:  It is time to embrace it.    

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