Tuesday, September 11, 2012

restore me

He restores my soul - Psalm 23:3
The word restore means to turn back, to return, or to bring back.  This is the work of our Father for our souls are fragile, easily broken and offended.  
Do you remember the childhood saying, “sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me”?  Really?  Bones mend and heal but being called names can hurt an entire lifetime!  
How is your soul....right now....honestly?  At the moment, mine is tender and torn.  
When my soul is broken and I don’t know what to do to restore it, I have learned to ask my Father to restore it and somehow He does.  He is the Great Physician and He knows the healing way.  If He has torn you, He will heal you - Hosea 6:1.
He is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit - Psalm 34:18.  
Be on the look out for your Father’s restoring touch through His Word - Psalm 19:7, through the Holy Spirit, John 14:16, through some special friends - 2 Timothy 1:15-18.   
Tonight, I asked the Lord for a small touch of His presence and love - in a fresh way,  just to know that He is near even when “many bulls have surrounded me” - Psalm 22:12.  We were not home more than ten minutes than when unexpected visitors came to stop by and blessed our soul!  
Our Father sees, hears and bends down to come to our aid when we cry to Him - Hebrews 2:18.  

From your heart to His, ask Him now to restore your soul.  

“Bless the Lord, O my soul and ... forget none of His benefits”

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