Sunday, September 2, 2012

Jesus spoke and the heavens were made –Can you do that?  Jesus placed the stars in the sky and calls them all by name.  Can you do that?  Jesus stretches the heavens out like a tent.  Can you do that?  Jesus said hush, be still and the wind and waves obeyed Him. Can you do that?  Jesus made the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk , the dead to live .  Can you do that? Jesus will renew the heavens and earth and make all things new. Can you do that?    Who is this Jesus?  He is the visible expression of the Invisible God: CREATOR.  He is the One who holds the universe and the miniverse together: SUSTAINER.  He is the One who guides, directs, leads and sets the vision for the redeemed people of God: HEAD.  He is the leader of the resurrection parade: LORD.  (Col 1:15-18).  In a word, Jesus is SUPREME.  And yet, in reference to His creative work,  all that you have experienced, seen and even imagined is merely the fringes of His ways.  “Behold, these are the fringes of His ways.”  Job 26:14  It will take an eternity of eternities to explore the fullness of Jesus.  Are you up for that?  

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