Friday, September 7, 2012

make me

He makes me lie down in green pastures. Psalm 23:2a
How does He do this?  I have discovered that the Lord “makes” me lie down when, 1. He allows me to be overloaded and I run out of “gas” and then I finally look to Him.  2. He challenges me through the rough terrain of trial and through the fire.  It is here that I am learning “to lie down” and trust Him.  3. He uses friends, family and even foes for me to take spiritual inventory of my life.  
What are the green meadows?  Green meadows are lush, pleasant, peaceful, full of nourishment and refreshment.  For me, the “green meadows” is the Word of God. This is where I find God’s peace, provision, rest, comfort, encouragement, strength and hope.  He uses circumstances and people in my life to “make me lie down” in the green meadows of His Word.  How about you?  Where do you find yourself lying down in today? 

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