Monday, September 10, 2012

lead me

He leads me beside quiet waters - Psalm 23: 2
I like the rushing sound of mountain streams racing downhill.  The water is so “alive”.  The water bubbles, jumps, and with great delight and races to the lowest place to be transformed and then to ascend to the heavenly places.  Nature teaches us the way to greatness.
But there is a time and place for quite - quiet waters.  Our world is a constant rat race.  It is full of tension, pressure, noise, deadlines, conflicts, competition, striving and we find our souls become ragged. We try for balance but life is rarely balanced.  The Lord Jesus’ life was hardly “balanced” but He did practice solitude with the Father to keep Himself emotionally-spiritually whole and on course.  He modeled the source of “quiet waters” for us — time alone with the Father.   
The secret to coming beside quiet waters is to be led there.  Notice, He leads us besides the quiet streams.  Am I leadable?  Right now, my soul is ragged and even as I write this devotional I sense the Lord leading me to the quiet streams of Psalm 62, Ps 46, Ps 121 and just to sit soaking in God’s Word and Promises through reading, mediation, prayer and praise.  There is a calm here and a peace that transcends understanding.  
May the Lord quiet your heart and soul today with through the comfort of the Holy Spirit and through so the soaking in of His Word.  

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