Monday, September 17, 2012

the table

For you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies — Psalm 23:5

Our Table:  For thirty-four years my wife and I have sat down at table to enjoy God’s provision.  Through these years He has blessed us with six children and now a continuing growing number of grandchildren.  We have regularly sat down at table over the years to share in God’s goodness.  We have our family get togethers which usually end up at our table. We laugh, cry, share, listen, talk, eat, and celebrate at this table.  Our table is a “sacred” place that is set a part from the rest of this crazy-busy life for us to come apart before we come apart.  

The Table:  As we follow our shepherd in this Christian journey we soon discover we are not alone.  We have an enemy.  He stalks us.  He tempts us.  He tries to deceive us and devour us.  Yet we have the Shepherd.  He not only leads us, guides us, protects us but also provides for us in one of the most surprising ways.  He invites us to the table in the presence of our enemies.  Normally, we wouldn’t be spending much time at the table if we knew the enemy was surrounding us and coming after us.  But we need not fear.  The Shepherd is with us and we are under his care and our enemy dares not draw near.  Instead, we are invited to table with Him, relax and enjoy the feast He sets before us.  And so, we do, by faith we enter into life with Him at table in the presence of our enemies.  

The Lord’s Table:  This is no ordinary table — This is the table in which God and man are sat down.  This is the table where the New Covenant is confirmed with the Passover Lamb and the Cup.  This is the table where we witness an incredible phenomenon — we see the nature of our God as the God who bends Himself to serve us and wash our feet!  I am serious.  Read it in John 13.  It is at this table that God provides our eternal fellowship with Him and even there He had an enemy sitting at His table. No worries though.  He knew about the enemy and yet He still prepared the table for us.  

The Banquet Table:  This table is the feast of the Lord!  At this table, we find the Lord still serving - for He will serve and wait on each one of us!  Remarkable!  In His Day, He serves.  Blessed are all of those who have responded to His invitation to this Great Day. There is a place reserved for you at this table.  All you need to do is send in your R.S.V.P.  Have you done so?  What are you waiting for?  

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