Sunday, August 26, 2012

boasting in the cross? Yep!

But may it never be that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ through which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world.  Galatians 6:14

Who in their right mind would boast about in the cross?  Why?  There have been many who have died on a cross.  But this cross is unique because of the One who was on the cross and why He was there.  The Cross of Christ is the defining moment in the history of mankind.  

Boasting in the cross?  Yep! — The cross was designed by man to maximize the torture, pain, suffering and public shame on a hardened criminal.  The Romans did not use the cross on their own citizens.  The Jews understood that any one who hangs on a tree was under God’s curse.  But God used the cross as His D-Day over evil, the evil one, over sin and death itself!  And because of that Day, we know "V.S. Day" (Victory over sin and satan) is inevitable!  We know that not only are redeemed and reconciled to God but also the very creation itself will be redeemed and set free!   Oh, the wonderful Cross!  

Boasting in the cross?  Yep! — The world doesn’t like the cross.  The Cross of Christ offends us.  The world considers the cross as foolishness, as moronic.  So, we have tamed the cross and for many it is nothing more than a nice piece of shiny jewelry.  But the Word tells us the both the wisdom and the power of God are seen at the Cross of Christ.  It is through the cross that God has redeemed and reconciled those who humble themselves and receive Jesus as Christ (Messiah).  Oh, the wonderful Cross!

Boasting in the cross?  Yep! — Without the cross we are helpless and hopeless.  We would be standing before the Almighty naked and exposed.   But because of the Cross of Christ, we are covered and fully accepted. Oh, the wonderful Cross!

Boasting in the cross? Yep! — at the cross we see more than two wooden beams. We see more than agony and pain. We see perfect love — the infinite height, width, breadth and depth from the very heart of God Himself!  Jesus was not forced to go to the cross.  He chose the cross.  "In this is love, not that we loved God but God loved us and sent His Son to be the satisfactory sacrifice for our sins.", 1 John 4:10.  Jesus died for our sins on the cross not to get God to love us but because God does oves us, so....  Oh, the wonderful Cross!

Boasting in the cross?  Yep! — what else even comes close to the cross?  boast in the cross - let your life show it and pass it on!  

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