Sunday, August 19, 2012

two realities

Christians live according to two realities: The supernatural and the natural. The secularist lives only for the natural. By natural I mean that nature is all there is.
The Christian world-view best explains all of reality while the secularist’s or naturalist’s world-view only explains a portion of reality.
The naturalist or secularist would claim all can be explained naturalistically. Is that so? The naturalist cannot explain why the universe is here. He or she cannot explain how the universe got here. The naturalist can explain what is here and how things work in this structured and orderly universe. The naturalist cannot explain the personal nature of mankind. Mankind is like the rest of this universe in that it is finite but mankind is unique in that men and women are personal, relational beings. Mankind is self-aware (he knows himself) self-determining (able to think, choose and act), creative, moral, worships, longs for significance and meaning and relational. The rest of this universe is impersonal. Where does this personal nature come from? The impersonal cannot produce the personal.
The naturalist world-view is like trying to stuff an oversized teddy bear in a small shoe box — parts of the bear fit in the box while a larger portion won’t fit within the framework. So it is with naturalism. Only a portion of reality is explained by naturalism while large portions of left unexplained or are left without answers.
However, the Christian world-view explains all of reality through the 1. Creation — explains the origin and design of the universe and the personal nature of mankind, for God is not an impersonal force but a Personal Being. 2. Fall — explains why there is evil, suffering and injustice in our world. This world is not as it should be. 3. Redemption — explains that this world although is not as it should be, it is redeemable. It can be changed and transformed. Their is hope. Individuals and Societies can be reformed. 4. Restoration — explains that there is a destiny and plan for this created world along with mankind. We are not accidents of nature but are designed by God with an eternal purpose.
C.S. Lewis said something like. Christians live for two worlds. If we live only for this world, we will lose both but if we live for the world to come we will gain both.
Live then, each day, in light of an eternal world-view and make an impact right where you are… for “what you do in life echoes in eternity.”
recommended reading - Total Truth by Nancy Pearcy

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