Thursday, August 16, 2012

dark night

Psalm 22 — Cry For Help

Whenever you go through the dark days of life —Days of disappointment, discouragement and depression.  These are the days where you ask where are you God? "Why have you dumped me?  I cry out to you day and night but I get no response - nothing."

Take this to heart.  This is a Messianic Psalm.  This means that this Psalm is primarily about the Messiah - Jesus.  Jesus uttered these very words on the Cross.  In fact many scholars think that Jesus quoted the entire Psalm while impaled on the Cross.  Jesus' last words were "It is finished" and this Psalm ends with, "He has performed it" or it is finished. 

You may not know or understand the difficulty that you are in and God seems so far away.  But you can hold on to this that Jesus understands precisely how you feel.  Yet it did not keep Him from crying out the Father.

In verses 1-10 He cries out to God.  In verses 11-21 He appeals to God for help and in verses 22-31 He expresses His gratitude and praise.  Follow His example.   

Here is the promise:  The afflicted shall eat and be satisfied.  Ps 22:26.  Just think of where Jesus is right now.  God, the Father, took care of His Son and He will take care of you to.

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