Friday, August 17, 2012

keep it simple

I have found that it is easy to complicate our Christianity.  What is Christianity?  Is it not a relationship with the living, eternal and personal God which is made possible through the Lamb of God - Jesus?   The core idea of Christianity is relationship.  Yet, I have discovered we can easily turn our Christianity into a set of religious traditions for us to follow, a moral set of beliefs, tips and techniques for self improvement, seeking some additional kind of blessing beyond Christ and son on.  
Whereas these things may have their place they are not the core of Christianity.  the Gospel is not rules (although there are rules).  The Gospel is not a moral way of life (although we are to be upright and moral in our thoughts and behavior).  The Gospel is not a philosophy —a system of thought for wise living (although we do gain insight on how to live wisely.  The Gospel is a person.  The Gospel is Jesus Christ  (Read Romans 1:1-4).  It is because of the Gospel - the death, burial and resurrection - that we are spiritually and intimately united with Christ

It is for this reason Paul writes to the Corinthian believers in his second letter. In 2 Corinthians 11:2-3, Paul alerts and admonishes the believers to beware of being led away from simple and pure devotion to Christ.  They were being influenced by outsiders who were luring them away from a heart devotion to Christ to a focus on religious ritual.  So, Paul reminds them that they have been joined to Christ.  They belong to Him not to a set of rules.

So, pursue Christ and keep it simple. Spend time with Him. Trust Him. Listen to Him and obey Him.  Be real, honest and open with Him.  Enjoy Him.  Relax in Him. Talk to Him. Encourage others to do the same and share Him with those who haven’t met Him yet.  

In a nutshell - rely on Him and be responsive to His Word.  Keep in step with the promptings of the Holy Spirit and engage in real relationship within the body of Christ.   

captured by Christ,


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