Wednesday, August 29, 2012


The key to the Christian life is summarized in two biblical phrases, “In Christ”, “Christ in us”.  They are two aspects of our faith.  In Christ - is our new identity, our new humanity - 2 Corinthians 5:17.  Christ in us - is our hope for transformation - Colossians 1:27.  Jesus talked about this in  John 15.  Jesus is the true Vine and we are the Branch.  The key is for the branch to be “in the Vine” for the branch is nothing apart from the Vine.  The Vine must be in the branch for the “sap” to flow through the branch that it may bear fruit.  So, too, God has placed us in Christ and set us free from the “old man” ( Paul’s term for the whole human race in Adam, see Romans 5:12-21).  We are not only in Christ, Christ is in us as well through the Holy Spirit, see Romans 8:2, 9.  It is through the the Spirit of Life that the life of Christ flows in us and through us. This is how we are made holy. 

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