Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Incarnation: In the beginning was The Word, John 1:1. The Eternal Word. The Eternal Living Word. The Eternal Living Personal Word. The Word became incarnate: "in" (into) "carn" (flesh). The Word became human and made His home among us, John 1:14 AND our world now has hope eternal. Is He at Home in you?

The Incarnation: "In the beginning was the Word", John 1:1. Jesus, The Word, existed before the beginning of the heavens and the earth (the universe). The universe had a beginning. Jesus is eternal. The universe is created. Jesus is the Creator. He spoke it into existence! This fallen universe is "wearing out". Jesus is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. The universe is impersonal matter, space and time. Jesus is an eternal-personal being. The universe doesn't know you or care you exist. Jesus does — He became flesh (human), John 1:14. in order to rescue, redeem His entire creation — including you!

The Incarnation: What was Jesus doing before He created the Heavens and the Earth? He was face to face with The Father, John 1:1. He enjoyed eternal companionship, fellowship. He had (has) face-time with the God The Father & God the Holy Spirt - the Three in One God! God exists in perfect unity, love and fellowship. It is this eternal living personal God who has entered our "hood" to bring us into this fellowship forever! Are you at peace WITH God? Are you experiencing the peace OF God? Christmas makes both possible. 

The Incarnation: In the beginning was the Word, John 1:1. The word "Word" in Greek is Logos. The Logos is the rationale Mind; the central Principle governing the entire universe. But The Logos is not an impersonal-unfeeling-unloving principle or rationale. The Logos is also the SON, John 1:18. God is the Eternal Father and God has the Eternal Son — Jesus. Jesus is The Logos. He is the full expression of God. He expresses the very character and nature of God. Jesus radiates the beauty and glory of God, Hebrews 1:3. It is this Logos, The SON, who became human, John 1:14. Why? The Logos/SON became human to express and reveal The Father to you, John 1:18. Your Heavenly Father has a gift for you! He has purchased the way Home to Him through the gift of The Logos, the SON — Jesus! "As many as believe in Him (Jesus) to them God gives them the right to be called children of God, even to those who believe in His Name", John 1:12. This is Christmas. 

The Incarnation: “The Word became human and made His home among us”, John 1:14.  Life is not now as it should be. When God created the world, it was good!  There is a day coming when Jesus will “make all things new” and the world (this earth) will right-side up again.  God made the world for men and women to live “face to face” with the Holy One.  In The Day to come, “God‘s home will once again be among His people”. And it will be good!  
Yet, now, we live in a world that is “Fallen”.  It is broken and we are broken: selfishness; envy; jealousy; pride; covetous; injustice; rebellion are at the core of our being.  We devour one another on our streets and in our homes. There is corruption in our governments, injustice in our courts, and unrest in our cities. 

There is a line from a popular movie which says, “There is evil out there...”  This is true but evil is also in here — in each one of our hearts.  It is into this darkened world that the Light of World, Jesus, came.  The Word/The SON/ also known as the The Light came into our world and lived among us to begin the cleansing and restoration of justice and makes things right in our world once again.  For God said, “Let there be light in the darkness.”  Through Christmas, God has made His light shine in our hearts so we could know God. Now, let your light shine in such a way that people will see your life and glorify your Father in heaven.

The Incarnation:   The Incarnation was not an “emergency” contingency.  The Incarnation was not an event for the unforeseen human “Fallen” condition.  The Incarnation was an integral part of God’s sovereign plan before the creation of the world, Matthew 25:34; Timothy 1:9.  
It was foretold by the Hebrew prophets that a champion; a rescuer; a deliverer; a king would come to rescue Israel and all peoples.  He would come to make the world right and rule over it in righteousness and with justice for all.  
The prophets foretold this champion would come as a “lamb” and also as a “Lion”.  As a “lamb” to be slaughtered for all of us — Isaiah 53:6-8 and as a “Lion”to subdue His enemies and rule with a righteous reign over all the earth forever — Genesis 49:9.  The Hebrews also foretold who this champion would be. This deliverer would be none other than God Himself!  
He would enter our world as a man and rescue His people from their sin and He would be the one to grow and establish His Kingdom over all the earth.  For example, the prophet Isaiah wrote, “ For a child will be born to us a son will be given to us and His name will be called, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.  There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace....”, Isaiah 9:6-7.  The title “Mighty God is made up of two Hebrew words — “mighty” in Hebrew is “gibbor” which comes from geber.  Geber means man.  The word God, “Elohim”, is the one of the Hebrew words for God.  The underlying meaning of “Mighty God” is this one who will come will be the God-man! 
“What child is this, who, laid to rest, on Mary’s lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with anthems sweet, while shepherds watch are keeping.  This, this is Christ the King, whom shepherds guard and angels sing:  Haste, haste to bring Him laud, the babe, the son of Mary.”  Merry Christmas!

The Incarnation:  The incarnation is a promise made and promised kept.  There are two Greek words for time: chronos and kairos.  We get our word chronology and chronometer from this chronos.  Chronos has to do with, what time is it? While kairos asks the question, what is this time for?  
The Scripture tells us that God sent the SON  at the “kairos” moment or at the right time.  It was at this time that God the Son became human!!  
One of the reasons why this was the right time is because the Hebrew prophet Daniel had predicted that the Messiah would come four-hundred and eighty three years after permission was given to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem which occurred in 444 BC.  Jesus came at the right time. Thirty-three years after Jesus was born, Jesus approached the Temple in Jerusalem and wept over it, saying, “If you had in this day, even you, known the things which make for peace!   Jesus, God the Son, came at the right time.  Promised made and promised kept!  
Now, is your karios moment to put your trust in Him, the One who can give you peace. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

sacred space

sacred space: God created man and woman and put them in a garden paradise — a sacred space called Eden. This is the idea of Shalom. Shalom not only means peace but the peace of God as was experienced in Eden. It was to be set a part from the rest of the uninhabited world. Here they were to enjoy intimate fellowship with the Lord God Himself! God put the man in this place for him to guard it from the intrusion of evil. And as an act of worship and in obedience they were to expand this sacred place to cover the whole earth. 
May our hearts and our homes be the sacred place of shalom where we experience the beauty of God and then during the week expand His Shalom into our world full of "thorns and weeds". "guard your heart above all else for from it flows the springs of life - proverbs 4:23

sacred space — lost in space: our sacred space was lost due to the "fall" where evil penetrated the garden and into the heart of the man and the woman. They swallowed The Lie. Instead of being "like God" as the evil one promised, we return to dust — from glory to dust! Humanity is born outside of this sacred fellowship and we struggle. We have been struggling ever since to have it once again. we have an insatiable appetite for the sacred. We search, we thirst, we crave identity, significance, meaning and purpose in all of the wrong places: money; sex; fame; adventure; . . . All good things but when good things become ultimate things they become bad things. As C.S. Lewis has remarked, "we have settled for mud puddles when God is offering us the ocean." We are run ragged. We covet but always left - empty. we are broken —cracked buckets that leak. We have lost our way and the awful sad thing is that we don't even know it. Now, nothing is sacred and we are miserable for it - we are dust in the wind. "There is a way that seems right to a man but the end there of is the way of death." proverbs 14:12

sacred space — found in Jesus Christ: Jesus is the author of sacred. He is sacred. In Him we find space or rest for our soul. In Him we find identity, significance, meaning and purpose which will not be found in any other thing, place or person. It is through Jesus and His Word that we are refreshed, renewed and strengthened to face the day for in and through Jesus we experience the sacred — and have air to breathe!

sacred space restored - One day soon the curse will be removed because in Jesus the "veil" separating man, woman and God has been ripped away. "Soon and very soon", says a song, "we gonna to see the King, no more cryin then" He will make all things new! In that day, the Sacred will not only be manifested in a garden but the entire globe will be covered with the thick beauty of the God Most High. "And the Lord Himself shall dwell among His people" — forever. Amen!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Our Helper

Jesus — Our Helper

Jesus, the eternal Son of God, became our High Priest in order to give us help.  Without Him, we are not only helpless but hopeless.  Without Christ, we are helpless against the evil one who has enslaved us through our fears.  Without Christ, we are without hope of every being made right with God, set free from our fears and of having strength to overcome temptation.

But, through the Incarnation, Jesus not only became human, He also became our Eternal High Priest.  As our High Priest, He continually represents us before God for He has successfully offered Himself in satisfying the righteousness of God.

Through Jesus, we have been declared “right with God”.  Through Jesus, He has conquered our foremost enemy, the evil one.  Through Jesus, He has set us free from the fear of death for in Christ is life — life eternal!  Through Jesus, we have the One who will "make all things new".  Through Jesus, the world will be made right once again.  Through Jesus, we have one who is able: who is able to help us overcome our strong temptations. For He suffered and was tempted in all thing as we are, yet He overcame.  And He helps us and enables us to overcome as well. 

Since Jesus entered our world of suffering He knows what it means to be tempted and to suffer. He knows and understands the dark night of our soul.  He has entered into our world of dismay and darkness and brought hope and light.  He now offers us mercy to help us through our life. 

Hebrews 2:14-18


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Asia Summer Trip 2014

Asia trip summer 2014

City #1 (June 29-July 6) 

Christmas Celebration

We had 50 college Taiwanese students. We broke into 10 households and spent five days in the same house like a family together. Our household was called the O.J.s for our orange shirts. I was with Sharon, Mary G. Hallie M. along with 6 Taiwanese students along with our six students. We shared the Gospel by celebrating Christmas Holiday and Easter traditions from the States. None of our students had heard of the Resurrection of Jesus.
We really bonded by the third day. We gave each one of our students a Bible. I also set up a Facebook page. I set up a reading plan through the Gospel of Mark and asked them to read Mark. If they had questions they could ask the Christians from the camp or they could ask me through Facebook. Each one shared a highlight with us and said how much they appreciated our friendship and our sharing Jesus with them. One girl thanked us of for helping her discover who Jesus is.
This is the 7th year we have been involved in this camp. There is an amazing potential here in reaching the next generation with Gospel and influencing the nation.

City #2 (July 6-9)

Apologetic Camp
We had a plan to cover 9 apologetic topics with 40 college students but the organizer of the camp did not plan well. So, we ended up with 5 students. We merged our camp with another one of our groups in a different city.

Faith Matters camps 

This was to be an apologetic camp as well but the students were mainly high schoolers with some college students mixed in along with a couple of middle schoolers. There were 50 students. We worked on some of the apologetic topics but what they really needed was more basic topics on the Christian life. Almost all of these students came from Christian homes but 40% plus were non-Christians. They were not happy with the faith of their parents. We spent a lot of time sharing about the Christian life, how to study the Bible using the Sword Bible Study Method. We clearly shared the Gospel and taught them how to share the Gospel as well. They practiced with each other. As of today, I know of 6 people getting saved. The church we partner with is doing the follow up.
The Lord provided two awesome translators for this camp so we were able to make a lot of progress with the students. These two translators were so impressed with out team that they definitely want to join us again when we are back.
Our Asian leader / partners told us that the students loved the camp, were changed and definitely wanted us to keep coming back to speak into their lives. They had not experienced a camp/conference like this before.

City #4 (July 10-12)

Spiritual Disciplines 
digging in the  Word together

Originally we planned on sharing on 8 spiritual habits but these students (30 students) were very young in The Lord and we had. My translator had never translated before and was very young in The Lord so he did not know Christian ideas, the books of the Bible very well but he stepped up to this challenging assignment and everyone appreciated him when all was said and done. I was very impressed and have made a life-long friend. Sharon and I were in the same small group. We had a great time working with 5 students for the three days.
We only were able to cover two of the 8 disciplines with this group but it we drilled down deep into the Word and taught them the Sword Bible Study Method. Many said, they had learned so much from our time especially the time learning how to read, study, memorize, meditate and obey the Word.
We spent one evening on top of a roof building praying over the city in every direction. This was a very special time of uniting our hearts toward The Lord and to each other! We were different by the time we were done. We had become good friends as a result of this time. 
praying over the city on the roof top

City #4 - Church Training (July 13-14)

Live a Holy Life 

Key ideas from Romans 7

After the previous camp, I taught from Romans 5-8 as my base passages on living a holy life. We had some of the students who were in the spiritual disciplines participate in this time as well.
I had a new translator who also was quite good. He needed to be to be able to talk on this subject especially from Romans. I broke this topic into two parts around the themes of being "IN CHRIST" and "CHRIST IN ME". This training was a rich experience and it also was very engaging/interactive for the attenders. I then helped them think through their own "battle plan" in living a holy life.
There were two other Americans with me. Sharon and our team went to Hong Kong for another camp with students for the next 3 days. We were invited by one of the campers who attended the spiritual disciplines camp out for dinner. We did not know that she had invited us to her wedding dinner party for her friends. We were honored and had one of the best meals ever.

City #5 College Student Leaders Conference (July 15-16)

Leadership and the Armor of God — Standing Firm 
Asia Warrior drawn by various students

I traveled to another city on the 14th, stayed overnight and then traveled to my destination city for another training.
On the 14th, in the evening, I went out to get dinner and I found the public square where 1,000's of Asians gather at night - line dancing, ball room dancing, badminton, and many other activities. It is quite common and it is a beautiful sight to see a community come out at night to exercise, engage and enjoy each other's company. The sad thing is this experience is starting to fade.
I met up with Ching Yu whom I have known since 1986 and have partnered with since 1991. We were invited to an annual college student leader conference with over 150 student leaders. The students come for all over the country. We had the privilege of sharing from the Word on the Armor of God and standing firm in The Lord. It was an incredible time of worship and teaching.
We met with six key leaders. We were amazed that we knew 5 of them from previous trainings! The Lord gave us favor in their eyes. The main leader explained that they have a vision for reaching the college generation for the future of the church and for their country. Most of the churches don't have this vision. These guys have organized a network of college campus ministries throughout the country and asked us if we would want to become strategic partners with them in building into the lives of these valiant men and women. We said, "we know you". we have worked with you and trust you and we would like to walk slowly together in partnership as we seek the Lord's guidance together. We are planning on following up this conversation later this summer and later in the Fall. This was a very significant step forward in reaching the Asian world.

City #6 (July 16-17) 

Catching Up 
Ching Yu and I traveled to one of our main cities to encourage a group of believers that have gone through much persecution both in their church and in their personal lives. Three dear saints have been imprisoned on bogus charges. Some of the "sheep have scattered" and others are standing firm. We had time together and prayed together and left our dear brothers and sisters to travel to Hong Kong the next day.

City #7 (July 17) 

Team debrief

All of our teams converged and met in Hong Kong for dinner. After dinner we heard team reports from 5 different projects and then each person (16 in all) shared a highlight of what God has been doing in their lives. It was a great time of boasting in The Lord and in His work. As of this writing, we know of 22 people that told us they were trusting in Jesus for salvation. We have also hear a number of other stories of how lives have been changed by The Lord, His Word by His Spirit!

Trip to Burma (Myanmar - July 18-22)

Training and Exploration
on our way to a house church

The Teams began to leave Hong Kong for the U.S., while Michael Mayor and I headed to Burma. However because of a typhoon we were delayed and missed our connecting flight in Singapore. The airline put us up over night. I have friends in Singapore and we were able to meet with a long time friend and his daughter (Tom Estad and Amber) for dinner. It was a good time of fellowship and a treat from The Lord to have us connect after many years.
We arrived in Yangon on the 19th and went directly to a Bible Training Center where I gave an overview of the ConneXions leader model for healthy leader development. It was greatly received by all and we hope to continue in this kind of training here.
I was invited by one of the pastors who attended the leader training to speak in his church the next day. I was the first foreigner to visit his church and to share a message from the Word. What an honor!
We talked with a couple of pastors and an international school director about possibilities of sending a small team of Americans to help out with their school and their church plants in the country-side. They and we are looking for long term partnerships in the Gospel. So, we have begun this conversation for future possibilities.
The Shwendagon Pagoda
OPPORTUNITY: much opportunity to partner in MYANMAR for helping work with churches, Bible training center, orphanage,  -- VBS; Nutrition, water purification systems and personal hygiene, orphan care, Pastoral / leader development - assist. Also, we made some connections to CAMBODIA.  

Hong Kong (July 22-23

Two emerging leaders and pray time
I arrived in Hong Kong late in the evening of the 22nd. On the 23rd, may last day in Asia, I spent time with two men I am equipping and mentoring in leader development - "Asian Timothy's". I am planning on starting an online Leader Community including these two men ( Ken and Lawrence).

Next Steps 

Need: workers for the harvest field.  Come on join us.  

"We must make Jesus' last command our first priority" - A. Judson

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

throwing pots

Centered.  When a potter is ready to “throw” a pot, he/she puts it on the potter’s wheel and centers it.  Only when the clay is centered is the potter able to shape it, mold it after his/her design.  If the clay becomes uncentered then, the clay becomes unmanageable.   The same is true in the Christian life.  We must be properly centered .... in Christ in four ways.
  1. Christ is in me: The moment I responded to the Gospel, Jesus reclaimed me and entered me.  Colossians 1:27
  2. Christ is our life:  His righteousness has become my righteousness, 2 Corinthians 5:21.  
  3. Christ is being formed in me:  The very character of Christ is being developed in me.  Galatians 4:19
  4. Christ is at home in me.  As I grow up in Him, my heart yield more and more to Him and He makes His dwelling or home in me.  Ephesians 3:17

Monday, June 2, 2014

what do you see?

As the Israelites were about to cross the Jordan River into the Promised Land, God instructed Joshua to choose a representative from each one of the twelves tribes of Israel.  These representatives were to take twelve boulders, carry them onto the Land of Promise and make a memorial.  He also instructed these men to make a memorial of twelve boulders in the middle of the Jordan river.   

The purpose of these memorials were for two reasons.  The first reason was for future generations.  When their children and children’s children see the stones and ask, “What do these stones mean?”  Then you can tell them, “This is where the Israelites crossed the Jordan on dry ground.  For the Lord your God dried up the river right before your eyes and He kept it dry until you were all across, just as He did at the Red Sea”, Joshua 4:21-23.  The second reason was so that all the nations of the earth would know that the Lord is might and that the nation would fear the Lord God forever, Joshua 4:24  

I have understood the concept of the memorial stones taken from the Jordan and placed on the land but until recently I did not understand the twelve stones in the middle of the Jordan.  I have wondered how would the future generations even know that those stones were there being covered by the river. Then, I recently I read that there are times that the Jordan river not only has its flood seasons but also has its low seasons.  There are times that the water level of the Jordan river is low especially during times of drought and famine.  And then it hit me.  

It is during these difficult times that the stones become visible!  And during those times the Israelites will be see the “stones”s of God’s faithfulness, power, presence and goodness in the midst of difficulty!  

So, instead of focusing on the water level their eyes would focus on the memorial stones to renew, refresh their faith and call upon the Name of the Lord! 

How about you?  What do you see when the “water level is low”?  

Monday, March 3, 2014

Identity Theft

Identity Theft

 Identity is who you are.

Identity is big business.  It is in the news.  Credit card companies have commercials making us aware of the severity of the problem.  If you have had your identity stolen, you know how hard it is to get it back.  

Jesus said the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy.  Our identity — who we are in Christ is where we get our strength to live fully and fully live.  For who we are influences how we behave.  Our ancient foe is out to steal our identity — our spiritual birthright.

My question is  — who are you?  What is it that makes you — you?  Who or what gives you your identity?  Where do you get your identity validated?  Is it your clothes, your friends, your athletic abilities, your body, your grades, your stuff, your job . . .?  What would happen if you lost all of these things?  Who would you be then?  Or in Eric Fromm’s words, “If I am what I have and if what I have I is lost, who then am I?”

So, again, I ask the question, who are you?  You are much more than what you have and what you do.  You are an individual created by God in His image for God.  The devil has come to make you think you are someone you are not.  He is the Liar and he has lied to you about who you are.  He certainly does not want you to discover who you are in Christ.

Identity is given to you by your Heavenly Father.

He is the One who has called you out.  He is the One who gives you your name.  The LORD called Abram and changed his name to Abraham.  He not only changed his name but in doing so, He also changed his identity.  Abram means exalted father, while Abraham means a father of a multitude.

He Sarai’s name to Sarah.  Sarai means princess.  Sarah also means princess.  In this case, God affirms and validates her true identity — Princess.

He changed Jacob’s name to Israel.  He changed Simon’s name to Peter.  He has a new name for you.  You are a new creation in Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:17.  You are now defined by what you have done or what you have accomplished but by who you are in Christ.

Read through the Who I Am In Christ alphabetical list to see what God has called you and what He has to say about you.  Is this the way you think of yourself?  Do you understand who you truly are?  Be honest.

Remember David when he faced Goliath?  How did he overcome this giant?  He picked up “five smooth stones” from the brook of Kidron.  Now, stones are not normally smooth but these were because the water of Kidron smoothed them out over time.

In the same way the Scripture helps us overcome the “giants” in our life.  I encourage you to start by picking out five of these identity statements and commit them to memory so that you make them your “five smooth stones” and carry them in your heart where ever you go.  Memorize them so you can meditate on them.  Meditate on them so that your mind and heart becomes saturated with them.  In doing so, you will take these truths and smooth them into your life.  

Memorize them. Meditate on them. Pray through them.  Speak them in your mind and with your voice.  Embrace them.  Use them to fight the good fight.

Watching your back,


Who I Am In Christ
I am alive in Christ - 
Ephesians 2:5
I am blessed -
Ephesians 1:3
I am a citizen of heaven -
Philippians 3:20
I am done with my former way of life - 
I Peter 4:2-4
I am an emissary of Christ - 
2 Corinthians 5:20
I am forgiven
Colossians 1:14
I am grateful
Hebrews 12:28
I am an heir of God - 
Galatians 4:6-7
I am in Christ - 
John 14:20
I am a joint-heir with Christ - 
Romans 8:17
I inherit the Kingdom
Colossians 1:13
I am a light of the world - 
Matthew 5:16
I am a member of the Body of Christ - 
1  Corinthians 12:12
I am a new creation - 
2 Corinthians 5:17
I am an overcomer
1 John 5:4
I am a holy & royal priest
1 Peter 2:5,9
I am the quintessence of His grace - 
Ephesians 2:8
I am righteous in Christ - 
2 Corinthians 5:21
I am a saint
Ephesians 1:1
I am a temple of the Holy Spirit - 
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
I am united to the Lord -
1 Corinthians 6:17
I am a branch of the True Vine
John 15:5
I am God’s workmanship
Ephesians 2:10
I am a Xenos (stranger) to this world 
1 Peter 2:11
I am yoked to Christ - 
Matthew 11:29
There is no zenith . . . 
it will take an eternity to fill out this list 
of who you are in Christ!

Friday, February 28, 2014

the big W as a way of life

On Worship

We are created to worship. Just as song birds are created to sing, we are created to worship. It is our a part of our “spiritual DNA”.  If we do not worship the Creator who is worthy of our worship, we will worship something of His creation or something in it. (see Romans 1:20-23)   

Our worship is to be a way of life not just a “Sunday” activity.  True worship is evidenced by a life devoted and dedicated to the Almighty as we go through life - as we go to work, as we go home, as we go to the store.

God instructed Adam to cultivate, till and work the land in the Garden of Eden, (Genesis 2:15).  This word, “till” or “cultivate” is also sometimes translated as worship in the Old Testament.  The idea here is that Adam was worshiping God as He did his work.  The New Testament puts it this way, “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, (Colossians 3:23).

True worship comes from our spirit, instructed by the Word and motivated by the Holy Spirit. True worship boasts in Christ Jesus while not putting any confidence in the our own accomplishments (see John 4:24, Philippians 3:3).  

Listed below are some characteristics for worshiping in spirit and in truth.

W = walk humbly with the Lord — Micah 6:8

O = open your mouth with gratitude to God —Psalm 50:23

R = remember your Creator, fear God and keep His commandments  — Ecclesiastes 12:1,13

S = surrender your will to the Lord and follow Him — Luke 9:23

H = hunger for God’s Word, daily — Matthew 4:4

I =  invite the Holy Spirit to fill you and use you — Ephesians 5:18

P = praise the Lord from your heart  — Psalm 150

Asia travels - February

"Times of refreshing comes from the presence of the Lord."

This journey to Asia started in the Philippines for our annual Great Commission Leader Summit.  The theme was REFRESH.  We invited our missionaries and our Asian partners to join the Summit.  We had 28 people from five countries represented.  It was a rich time of fellowship with each other and with experiencing the Lord.

We focused our time together on Paul's prayers from the book of Ephesians:
     Prayer of Enlightenment — The Majesty of Christ
     Prayer of Empowerment — The Marvel of Christ's love and power
     Prayer of Encouragement — The Mystery of Christ and sharing Him to our world

The Lord personally "met me" and touched my heart with His!   I was preparing to teach for an evening session with the Summit leaders for the Friday night church gathering of Filipino's.  I was not comfortable with "my"original topic, so I walked back to my room praying, asking God what He would have me share on. In my room, the Lord led me to a topic based on Hebrews 3:1, "Consider Jesus the Apostle and the High Priest of our confession."  At once, I knew this was what the Lord wanted me to share on — the current ministry of Jesus as our High Priest!

Often when we think about Jesus we talk about (and we should) His Incarnation (The Word became Flesh) His Humiliation (the Cross), His Exaltation (Lord of all) and His Return (The Second Coming).  Amen!  But we often miss out on what Jesus is doing right now!  I find that many believers are unaware of Jesus' current ministry.

The author of Hebrews reminds us that Jesus has not just gone to heaven and is sitting idly by until it is time for His return.  The author of Hebrews not only shows us that Jesus is better — He is better than the angels.  He is better than Moses, the deliverer.  He is better than Joshua, the conqueror.  He is better than Aaron, the high priest. He is better than the Old Covenant. Why because Jesus is God who is on the throne and He is the Apostle carrying out His redemptive plan and sending us as His heralds throughout the world to let the world know that Jesus is Lord.  And He is our High Priest - this is what I focused on.  As important as the Cross is (and it is essential for we are saved by His death) even so, the High Priest ministry of Jesus is just as essential (for we are being saved by His life).

Jesus is present through the ministry of the Holy Spirit in each of His people's lives.  He is our (my, your) High Priest.  The author of Hebrews outlines His ministry of High Priest with these verses.  (Hebrews 2:16-18, 4:14-6, 6:17-20, 7:24-25, 9:11-14,10:1-13) and then the author exhorts us to live our lives differently by encouraging us to respond with the phrase, "Let us...." seven times,  (10:22, 23, 24-25, 12:1-3, 28, 13:13, 15).

In the Old Testament, the High Priest had a number of responsibilities but I focused on His clothing.  He was clothed with an Ephod of beautiful colors. On each one of his shoulders he had six black onyx stones with names from each tribe of Israel engraved on them.  He also wore the Breastplate of Judgment over His heart.  The Breastplate had twelve gem stones with each one of the twelve Tribes of Israel engraved on them.

This was a living metaphor of Jesus our Great High Priest who has our name written on His shoulder and over His heart.  He has big enough shoulders to carry the weight of our burdens and He has us on His heart - twenty-four /seven.  He is here - with us, for us and even in us!

The Holy Spirit took this truth and moved me is a personal way. Thank you, Lord!

The rest of our trip was also rewarding, fulfilling and challenging as well.  We traveled to other locations and had a wonderful time of fellowship and the Lord gave us opportunity to speak to a number of church leaders to a group of college student about pursuing a holy life.

Thank you for your continued prayer and encouragement.

love, doug