Saturday, August 9, 2014

Our Helper

Jesus — Our Helper

Jesus, the eternal Son of God, became our High Priest in order to give us help.  Without Him, we are not only helpless but hopeless.  Without Christ, we are helpless against the evil one who has enslaved us through our fears.  Without Christ, we are without hope of every being made right with God, set free from our fears and of having strength to overcome temptation.

But, through the Incarnation, Jesus not only became human, He also became our Eternal High Priest.  As our High Priest, He continually represents us before God for He has successfully offered Himself in satisfying the righteousness of God.

Through Jesus, we have been declared “right with God”.  Through Jesus, He has conquered our foremost enemy, the evil one.  Through Jesus, He has set us free from the fear of death for in Christ is life — life eternal!  Through Jesus, we have the One who will "make all things new".  Through Jesus, the world will be made right once again.  Through Jesus, we have one who is able: who is able to help us overcome our strong temptations. For He suffered and was tempted in all thing as we are, yet He overcame.  And He helps us and enables us to overcome as well. 

Since Jesus entered our world of suffering He knows what it means to be tempted and to suffer. He knows and understands the dark night of our soul.  He has entered into our world of dismay and darkness and brought hope and light.  He now offers us mercy to help us through our life. 

Hebrews 2:14-18


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