Friday, February 28, 2014

the big W as a way of life

On Worship

We are created to worship. Just as song birds are created to sing, we are created to worship. It is our a part of our “spiritual DNA”.  If we do not worship the Creator who is worthy of our worship, we will worship something of His creation or something in it. (see Romans 1:20-23)   

Our worship is to be a way of life not just a “Sunday” activity.  True worship is evidenced by a life devoted and dedicated to the Almighty as we go through life - as we go to work, as we go home, as we go to the store.

God instructed Adam to cultivate, till and work the land in the Garden of Eden, (Genesis 2:15).  This word, “till” or “cultivate” is also sometimes translated as worship in the Old Testament.  The idea here is that Adam was worshiping God as He did his work.  The New Testament puts it this way, “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, (Colossians 3:23).

True worship comes from our spirit, instructed by the Word and motivated by the Holy Spirit. True worship boasts in Christ Jesus while not putting any confidence in the our own accomplishments (see John 4:24, Philippians 3:3).  

Listed below are some characteristics for worshiping in spirit and in truth.

W = walk humbly with the Lord — Micah 6:8

O = open your mouth with gratitude to God —Psalm 50:23

R = remember your Creator, fear God and keep His commandments  — Ecclesiastes 12:1,13

S = surrender your will to the Lord and follow Him — Luke 9:23

H = hunger for God’s Word, daily — Matthew 4:4

I =  invite the Holy Spirit to fill you and use you — Ephesians 5:18

P = praise the Lord from your heart  — Psalm 150

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