Wednesday, June 4, 2014

throwing pots

Centered.  When a potter is ready to “throw” a pot, he/she puts it on the potter’s wheel and centers it.  Only when the clay is centered is the potter able to shape it, mold it after his/her design.  If the clay becomes uncentered then, the clay becomes unmanageable.   The same is true in the Christian life.  We must be properly centered .... in Christ in four ways.
  1. Christ is in me: The moment I responded to the Gospel, Jesus reclaimed me and entered me.  Colossians 1:27
  2. Christ is our life:  His righteousness has become my righteousness, 2 Corinthians 5:21.  
  3. Christ is being formed in me:  The very character of Christ is being developed in me.  Galatians 4:19
  4. Christ is at home in me.  As I grow up in Him, my heart yield more and more to Him and He makes His dwelling or home in me.  Ephesians 3:17

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