Sunday, January 4, 2015

Ebola:  This virus strikes fear in the heart of men and women.  It is described as a severe and often fatal virus.  Since this past March, 2014, the largest outbreak of the Ebola virus has taken place since 1976 and the result there is more deaths from this outbreak than all of the others combined.  It is estimated that 1.4 million people from Liberia and Sierra Leone by the end of January.  

Cure:  There is treatment that is effective if ebola is caught early.  

Sin:   This “virus” is even more virulent than ebola.  It has infected the entire human race inherited through the first man, Adam.  It is deadly, for one out of one dies.  Sin has ravaged the human race, the environment and the entire cosmos, Romans 8:20-23.  

No Human Cure:  There is no human cure for sin.  We try hard, though.  We make ourselves look good on the outside but on the inside we are full of greed, rebellion and selfish ambition.  We are like whitewashed tombstones:  outwardly we appear beautiful but within we are full of dead people’s bones. 

Heavenly Cure:  There is hope — for there is a cure.  The cure is from Jesus Christ.  Jesus is immune to sin and we can be cured through His blood.  We need to be “vaccinated” through the blood of Christ, for it is like an antibiotic that counteracts, overcomes and restores us to spiritual and moral health.  Then one day, we too, we too will be impervious to sin for all time. 

Free:  The “vaccination” is free because it has been fully paid for by God Himself.  But each one of us must choose choose Christ in order to be “vaccinated”.  

Have you been “vaccinated”? 

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