Saturday, November 16, 2013

Discovering grace in unexpected places

God's grace discovered in unexpected places.

The Israelites are boxed in — "in front of Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea"  Exodus 14:1-2.  The Red sea in front of them and the Pharaoh's army behind them.  They had no where to go.

In their unbelief, the Israelites imagined that God had led them here to be destroyed in the wilderness.  Yet, is was God who led them here to show them His great power and His glory.

Unbelief, "leads us to interpret God in the presence of the difficulty, instead of interpreting the difficulty in the presence of God.  Faith gets behind the difficulty and there finds God, in all of His faithfulness, love and power... If only we could look upon a difficult crisis as an occasion of bringing out, on our behalf, the sufficiency of divine grace, it would enable us to preserve the balance of our souls, and to glorify God, even in the deepest waters."  C.H. Mackintosh

It is this place  — where we are weak and with no other way — we can discover the grace of God.  For God says His grace is sufficient for us.  His power is perfected in our weakness.  2 Corinthians 12:9

The Israelites had no where to go but ... God made a way... through the sea on dry land and saved Israel that day.  If you are living in Pi-hahiroth between Migdol and the sea, read carefully Exodus 14, stand still and when the Lord shows you the way, walk by faith with Him and worship Him!

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