Saturday, March 30, 2013

God has spoken

God is there.  He is not silent.  He has spoken.

God has spoken in many ways but His primary way is through the Son.  Jesus is the logos - the  Word, John 1:1.

The Word is - it has always existed.  There has never been a time when the Word was not.  The world came into existence by the Word, Psalm 33:6.  The Word is The source of life; The source of everything that exists.  The Word defines everything. The Word is The Reference point, The Standard, The Principle around which the entire universe revolves.  The Word is the Reason by which everything came into being.  The Word is.

The Word speaks. The Word expresses.  The Word reveals.  The Word creates.  The Word sustains.  The Word was and is and always will be.

The Word is God, the eternal.  The Word is singular: Word not words; One not many.

The Word was face to face with God. God with God.  What was the Word doing before the Word created?  God, The Word was in face to face fellowship with God.  The Word enjoyed deep, united, loving, intimate communication with God.

The Word is in eternal fellowship and out of this fellowship the Word spoke the heavens and the earth into existence for God's good pleasure.

The Word is not an it.  The Word is a Person — The Person called the Son, John 1:2-4,18.  This Word became human, the visible expression of the invisible God, John 1:14.  The Word has a name - Jesus!  Jesus is the Word and Jesus came to reveal, to make God known. Without the Word translated into humanity, we have no idea what God is really like.  All of our thoughts are mere speculations. But the Word came and revealed God to us, John 1:18.  Why? So, we could enter into this fellowship eternal.

We tried to kill the Word but we cannot kill that which is.  The resurrection is God's exclamation point - The Word thrives eternal and you are invited into fellowship with Him by putting your trust in what God says.  Word.

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