Monday, September 14, 2015

Fields of Glory

One morning when I was as college student I got up before the sunrise and took a walk in the dark through a large grassy field called Tuttle Park.  I walked through moist field of grass with a soft-slight breeze at my back toward the Olentangy River at the far end of the park.

I sat there as I observed the rising of the sun for that day.  As the sun rose over the horizon, the golden rays of the sun slowly filtered over dewy grass field of grass. Then suddenly something spectacular happened!  The whole field lit up in a glistening glory.  Each blade of grass came alive, with a shining silver and being moved by the soft wind celebrated the appearing of the sun.

It was then that the words of Scripture came alive to me where it says, When Christ who is your life is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory, Colossians 3:4.  My heart leapt for joy!  Through the birth of a new day, the Lord gave me a glimpse of His glory and what will happen with us and to us when He is revealed in glory — we also we radiate with an unspeakable beauty and glory!

Each blade of grass in the massive field represented for me every believer gathered together in That Day to celebrate the rising of the Son of God as He comes to rule and reign over all the earth one day.  Even though this happened to me nearly forty years ago I can “see it” like it was yesterday and my heart leaps for joy again today - waiting for that great Day!