Monday, March 3, 2014

Identity Theft

Identity Theft

 Identity is who you are.

Identity is big business.  It is in the news.  Credit card companies have commercials making us aware of the severity of the problem.  If you have had your identity stolen, you know how hard it is to get it back.  

Jesus said the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy.  Our identity — who we are in Christ is where we get our strength to live fully and fully live.  For who we are influences how we behave.  Our ancient foe is out to steal our identity — our spiritual birthright.

My question is  — who are you?  What is it that makes you — you?  Who or what gives you your identity?  Where do you get your identity validated?  Is it your clothes, your friends, your athletic abilities, your body, your grades, your stuff, your job . . .?  What would happen if you lost all of these things?  Who would you be then?  Or in Eric Fromm’s words, “If I am what I have and if what I have I is lost, who then am I?”

So, again, I ask the question, who are you?  You are much more than what you have and what you do.  You are an individual created by God in His image for God.  The devil has come to make you think you are someone you are not.  He is the Liar and he has lied to you about who you are.  He certainly does not want you to discover who you are in Christ.

Identity is given to you by your Heavenly Father.

He is the One who has called you out.  He is the One who gives you your name.  The LORD called Abram and changed his name to Abraham.  He not only changed his name but in doing so, He also changed his identity.  Abram means exalted father, while Abraham means a father of a multitude.

He Sarai’s name to Sarah.  Sarai means princess.  Sarah also means princess.  In this case, God affirms and validates her true identity — Princess.

He changed Jacob’s name to Israel.  He changed Simon’s name to Peter.  He has a new name for you.  You are a new creation in Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:17.  You are now defined by what you have done or what you have accomplished but by who you are in Christ.

Read through the Who I Am In Christ alphabetical list to see what God has called you and what He has to say about you.  Is this the way you think of yourself?  Do you understand who you truly are?  Be honest.

Remember David when he faced Goliath?  How did he overcome this giant?  He picked up “five smooth stones” from the brook of Kidron.  Now, stones are not normally smooth but these were because the water of Kidron smoothed them out over time.

In the same way the Scripture helps us overcome the “giants” in our life.  I encourage you to start by picking out five of these identity statements and commit them to memory so that you make them your “five smooth stones” and carry them in your heart where ever you go.  Memorize them so you can meditate on them.  Meditate on them so that your mind and heart becomes saturated with them.  In doing so, you will take these truths and smooth them into your life.  

Memorize them. Meditate on them. Pray through them.  Speak them in your mind and with your voice.  Embrace them.  Use them to fight the good fight.

Watching your back,


Who I Am In Christ
I am alive in Christ - 
Ephesians 2:5
I am blessed -
Ephesians 1:3
I am a citizen of heaven -
Philippians 3:20
I am done with my former way of life - 
I Peter 4:2-4
I am an emissary of Christ - 
2 Corinthians 5:20
I am forgiven
Colossians 1:14
I am grateful
Hebrews 12:28
I am an heir of God - 
Galatians 4:6-7
I am in Christ - 
John 14:20
I am a joint-heir with Christ - 
Romans 8:17
I inherit the Kingdom
Colossians 1:13
I am a light of the world - 
Matthew 5:16
I am a member of the Body of Christ - 
1  Corinthians 12:12
I am a new creation - 
2 Corinthians 5:17
I am an overcomer
1 John 5:4
I am a holy & royal priest
1 Peter 2:5,9
I am the quintessence of His grace - 
Ephesians 2:8
I am righteous in Christ - 
2 Corinthians 5:21
I am a saint
Ephesians 1:1
I am a temple of the Holy Spirit - 
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
I am united to the Lord -
1 Corinthians 6:17
I am a branch of the True Vine
John 15:5
I am God’s workmanship
Ephesians 2:10
I am a Xenos (stranger) to this world 
1 Peter 2:11
I am yoked to Christ - 
Matthew 11:29
There is no zenith . . . 
it will take an eternity to fill out this list 
of who you are in Christ!